Free shipping

Monthly special: Free shipping
Every month, we select one day for free shipping for orders over 20.- Euro to Germany. Shipping to Europe will only be 50 % that day. This month, our monthly special will take place on:
Wednesday, 25. September 2024
Note: this special offer is only valid if ordering, payment and delivery are possible at that same day. (Explanation).Payments (and bank transfers) in advance, as well as vouchers or prizes, cannot be accepted.
This means: orders sent previously with a remark "please ship on free shipping day" will not be executed. The day the order is placed is essential, as well as the actual shipment (only for that day, too)
In case your order is out of stock or not available for shipment, we will contact you immediately to arrange partial deliveries or delivery at a later date, as well as shipping and handling accordingly. Thank you for your understanding
Methods of payment for our monthly special
Credit card
Your credit card will be charged at once
We will send you a request for payment via e-mail. Payment has to be effected by your Paypal account at once.
The amount is due within the period allowed for payment
For all methods of payment: The monthly special is only valid for articles that are in stock that day. In case an article is out of stock, we will contact you immediately.
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